Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Israel can't afford an enemy living in her midst

Dear Editor:

According to members of Congress Israel started the latest Gaza War and T’laib, Omar and Bernie Sanders are leading the charge to defund Israel just as the left wing governments of many of our cities and states are defunding the police.

Much is made of the deaths of Palestinian children in Gaza. Nothing is made of the deaths of Israeli children in Israel.

Fox News Geraldo Rivera decried the deaths of the little Palestinian children but didn’t utter one mention of the deaths of Israeli children who were the victims of an attack begun by Hamas and not by Israel.

All Jews feel the deaths of anyone is a tragedy even the civilians of Gaza whose terrorist leaders of Hamas hurled 4,000 rockets or missiles at tiny Israel’s civilian centers targeting them for maximum destruction.

Israel’s calculated responses have been to minimize Arab casualties and maximize Hamas targets be they hidden among civilians, hospitals, mosques and schools.

If Israel wanted maximum damage it wouldn’t have given warnings to evacuate buildings such as the one given to the AP, a notoriously anti-Israel media organization, so that no civilians were injured when the large building where they had their offices was destroyed.

Gaza is the most densely populated location on the face of the earth and Hamas and before them the PLO kept the population mired in poverty and despair diverting opposition to them towards the real enemy of the Arab people, the Israelis.

Their mosques and schools all indoctrinated their young children to blame Israel for all their misery and to hate them.

Now that this brief, second war is on hold, and talks already are planning the re-construction of Gaza, once again Hamas has no consequences.

The naive Americans and the EU will spend billions rebuilding a terrorist organization’s infrastructure and Hamas will not spend one penny in its own re-construction other than to build better tunnels for the next war.

George Soros’ handy work is already at play within the Democratic party’s shift from Israel to the Arabs in Gaza since he bankrolled two members of the Squad and it is already paying him dividends. Both Congresswomen Palestinian T’laib and Somalian Ilhan Omar are open anti-Jew and anti-Israel.

If they were as outspoken against Blacks as they are against Jews they would be silenced from a thousand voices from all sides, but not when they’re against Jews.

Israel has a Muslim population, which has grown to 20 percent of the population thanks to their high birth rates and the miracle of excellent free Israeli medical care.

Ninety-five percent of Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem is filled with Arab patients, especially the maternity ward and none of the Israeli Arabs ever want to leave.

Now Israel is faced with a Fifth Column of young Arabs born into a democracy but allied with the aspirations of Hamas, whose own charter calls for the destruction of Israel and death to all Jews.

Israeli-Arab cities have been in crisis with Arabs attacking and killing Jews since the Hamas attack on Israel.

The last time something like this happened was during the Suez War in 1956 when Israel joined with France and England to free the Suez Canal from the Egyptian takeover.

Two hundred Israeli-Arabs rioted against Israel and were killed by Israeli forces and after the war their leaders were warned if they ever did that again they would be thrown out of Israel.

Giving their high birth rates, it is only a matter of time that they will outnumber the Jews and the Jewish State will cease to exist as we know it.

Will the promise of 1956 be carried out?

Israel cannot afford an enemy inside her who is as threatening as the enemies like Hamas, Iran and Hezbollah surrounding her.

Something dramatic will have to happen and I feel for every innocent Israeli victim of the Hamas attack, whatever their ages.

Wm. J. Levy

Ormond Beach, FL


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