Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Scene Around

What a brilliant and talented people we are ...

If you watch the TV show "Shark Tank," you will be familiar with MARK CUBAN, a brilliant billionaire, among other brilliant billionaires.

Mark is Jewish with Russian ancestry. He was born in Pittsburgh.

Also brilliant (as comic actors), GEORGE BURNS, and also MOREY AMSTERDAM. There will never be comics like the Jewish comics of my time. They were the best. (DON'T ask my age!)

Birthright Israel Foundation ...

I received a letter from Israel (Izzy) Tapoohi, president and CEO of Birthright Israel Foundation. I pass it along to you:

"Anti-Semitism is on the rise. I know you have seen the troubling news stories just as I have... and you may have even, (as I have as a child) experienced it yourself.

Anti-Semitic incidents in the United States have seen the largest increase on record. Nazi t-shirts are worn publicly and proudly, while incidents in schools and on college campuses continue to rise.

I am sure you share my horror at this frightening reality.

In today's climate, it is critical that we raise a generation of young Jews who are proud of their heritage, who embrace our history and culture, and who can build a vibrant and long- lasting future for our people.

You already know the Birthright Israel Foundation is committed to doing just that... by helping to send tens of thousands of young Jewish adults on a life-changing journey in Israel each year. This transformative trip helps them form a connection to the Jewish community that will last a lifetime.

Still, we face a significant challenge. Right now, there are nearly 80,000 young Jews who due to the pandemic either had their trips postponed or could not even apply as there were no future trips scheduled. Without Birthright Israel they may never got to see our homeland or discover a greater depth of love for Judaism. We urgently need to help them find the inner strength to combat growing anti-Semitism and ensure they discover the joys of being Jewish.

We urgently need to give young Jews the chance to touch the Western Wall in Jerusalem, climb the ancient site of Jewish resistance at Masada and experience an encounter with Israeli peers their own age to share their culture. Participants are encouraged to ask challenging questions, learn about where we come from, and embrace a personal relationship with our Jewish heritage.

(Irv and I had that wonderful experience when we visited Israel years ago.)

I know you share my heartfelt concern about the state of the world today. And the best antidote to confront anti-Semitism Is to strengthen the pride and unity of the next Jewish generation. There is no better way to do that than through Birthright Israel. A strong Jewish tomorrow is dependent on one thing... nurturing a new generation of young adults who are passionate about their Jewish identity."

My favorite show of all ...

(That's why I keep repeating it!)

On Saturday, June 26th, at the VFW, 1520 Ronald Reagan Blvd, Longwood, beginning

at 5 pm with doors opening, The fabulous Dazzling Divas will perform!

The show begins at 6 pm. And it features the beauty and talents of BJ Stephens, Crystal Viasse, Ramona, Geraldine Jones, Josslyn Jones and my darling friend, Kenny Lee. This date was changed from May 22nd to the new date upcoming.

This show is NOT to be missed! It is also the "Birthday Bash" for Kenny!

(I'm sure he's younger than me.)

Roth Family JCC of Greater Orlando ...

Author Series featuring Kristin Harmel and her new upcoming book "The Forest of Vanishing Stars."

On Thursday, June 17, 1 p.m.-2 p.m. at The Roth Family JCC of Greater Orlando, 851 N. Maitland Avenue, Maitland, FL 32751

"The forest of vanishing stars" is a powerful and compelling masterpiece, a significant story for our present time written by New York Times bestselling author Patti Callahan. 

For further information, phone 407-645-5933.

Worthy of praise ...

I'm referring to server KRISTEN RICE at the F&D Woodfire Pizza Restaurant, 1965 Aloma Avenue, Winter Park.

Not only is she attentive and gives superb service, Kristen has a wonderful personality that I find I go into the restaurant hoping that she will be the server for my table!

(Keeping my mind from eating food tells you how terrific she is!)

One for the road ...

While Pinsky was on vacation, his brother was taking care of his beloved cat. When Pinsky returned, his brother announced, "Your cat is dead."

Pinsky was inconsolable. He said to his brother, "To tell me in such a way that my cat had passed was cruel. You should have broken the news to me more gently. First you could have said that my cat was playing on the roof. Later, you could have told me that he fell off. The next day you could have said that he broke a leg and that the vet had to operate. Then, when I came to pick him up, you could have said that he passed away during the night."

"I'm sorry, his brother replied. "I'll know better next time."

"Now tell me, " Pinsky said. "How is Mama?"

The brother said, "Well, she was playing on the roof ..."


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