Dear Editor:
Aside from the well-informed and intellectual analysis of relevant facts by Mel Pearlman, the Heritage reported the narrative-oriented nonsense of Mr. Shipley, the affinity of the BLM for Palestinian terrorism and the petition of 90 “Rabbinical” no-nothing students who want to kiss the lower anatomy of all critics of Israel and the Jewish people.
Who pays the tuition for these future “spiritual leaders” of uninformed Jewish communities? J-Street billionaires?
I do not really understand what Mr. Shipley wants Jews to do, but I do not need to hear from arsonist thieves that “Black lives matter.” My best buddies in the U.S. Army during the Korean War were Black Americans. To the extent possible, I support the election of all Black Republicans for public office because they recognize the fact that President Trump’s policies, which eliminated unemployment in disadvantaged communities, were the most effective way to reduce crime and reactive racism.
Currently, we face anti-Semitism from Neo-Nazis, Palestinian Muslims, Black Muslims, religious fanatics, and BLM — all of whom are well financed, especially BLM, whose leader is now investing in high-priced real estate (like other professional racists like Mr. Obama).
We need to maintain our faith in this blessed country without trying to appease our enemies. The truth directs us to love the Creator and our neighbors.
My non-Jewish friends subscribe to a faith that advises them to love their enemies. If we Jews start loving our enemies, we will surely drown in love.
David G. Danziger
Winter Park, Fla.
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