Reports about the Arabs who live in Judea and Samaria is always covered in the mainstream media - their living conditions, their suffering, their plight, etc. There is not much coverage about Jews who live in Judea and Samaria and are successfully creating community and building businesses through many struggles while living in the midst of constant danger or fears of being evacuated because they live in certain areas. Some call these settled lands Israeli-annexed land, others claim it is "occupied" territory. Nevertheless, Jews are settling in Judea and Samaria - claiming the land of their forefathers.
Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel is one of these halutzim - pioneers, settlers. He will be in Winter Springs on Aug. 1 to talk about life on a Judean farm and the struggles he and his family and his partner, Rabbi Ari Abramowitz, have overcome in the three years since they settled in Ma'ale Amos, just south of Gush Etzion.
Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel is a Sgt. Major in the IDF reserves, he is also one of Israel's internationally acclaimed media personalities. He and Abramowitz have been sharing the truth about Israel for more than 20 years. The two-man team has created many short documentaries about Israel and have produced music videos that have had more than 20 million views on YouTube. They founded The Land of Israel Network, an English-language broadcast that shares the truth about Israel with the world.
These two men with their families and two other families founded Arugot Farms in 2018. They are building a working organic farm and a spiritual retreat center, which should open this summer. When they first moved to this mountaintop, there was no electricity, no water and no vegetation. In just three years, they have cultivated more than 5,000 fruit trees, organic vineyards, developed an innovative ecological pool and shepherd a flock of sheep.
Pastor Roger Diaz of Fellowship Church and Laurie Cardoza-Moore, president and founder of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations, will host Gimpel as he speaks about current events in Judea - the political and social climate of the area he lives in, which is located within "Enclave #8" - and the spiritual/educational retreat, agricultural work farm and global tourist destination he and Abramowitz envision Arugot Farms becoming.
Co-host Cardoza-Moore also will speak about her involvement in calling upon the Israeli government to ban GOD TV from airing missionary content focused on converting Jews to Christianity.
"At a time when global antisemitism is engulfing the world, GOD TV should be using its platform to teach Christians about their biblical responsibility to stand with our Jewish brethren and the State of Israel. Instead, they have chosen to stand on the wrong side of history, empowering the antisemites," she stated.
Cardoza-Moore is well-known among Jewish and Christian communities for speaking out against antisemitism, removal of antisemitic lessons in high school textbooks, and pushing for Holocaust education in all public schools. She has been recognized by The President's Council of The National Religious Broadcasters; The "Top 100 People Positively Impacting Israel" by the Algemeiner; awarded the "Friend of Israel Award" by The Center For Jewish Awareness and the "Goodwill Ambassador to Israel Award" given by Israel Consul General of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, just to name a few of her myriad of accomplishments and recognitions.
This event will be held at Fellowship Church, located at 5340 Red Bug Lake Road, Winter Springs, on Sunday evening, Aug. 1 at 7 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, call the church office at 407-699-1011 or contact Fellowship at
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