Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Progressives aim to delegitimize Jewish state

Dear Editor:

As we approach the holiest period of the Jewish calendar, it becomes increasingly difficult to control one’s reaction to the noisy pronouncement of “progressive Jewish leaders.” As specifically named by Mr. Sales in his article in the Heritage (August 27) these anti-Zionists condemn AIPAC ads targeting the ‘squad” members of congress about their enthusiasm for Muslim terrorists and condemnation of Israel. These well-financed J-Street associates and “spiritual leaders” (i.e., rabbis) want to delegitimize the Jewish State just like the recent female college graduates who were elected to serve in the U.S. Congress before accomplishing anything. The concern of these “progressive” Jews for the intellectual reputation of the “squad” is just another conscious act of coddling antisemitism.

In the present atmosphere the best way to enlighten the “squad” members is to encourage these ladies to promptly visit Kabul and to welcome the conquering Muslim terrorists. It will give them a very personal understanding of what confronts the Israelis.

David G. Danziger

Winter Park, Fla.


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