Rabbi Yanky and Chanshy Majesky, co-directors of Chabad North Orlando and Nate's Shul on Markham Woods Rd., are planning to lead a trip to Israel called the Land and Spirit Israel Experience. No affiliation is needed to join and everyone is invited to participate in an eight day, one-of-a-kind VIP experience as they journey to Israel through Judaism's most holy and historical sites. From March 21 - 28, 2022, participants will be treated to a 5-star experience that will feed their hearts, minds, and souls, and create life-changing and everlasting memories.
This trip is not only an opportunity to see Israel as never before, but it also includes many unique features you will not find on any other trip of its kind:
• Journey of Learning: Explore Israel's soul. The Jewish Learning Institute will bring Judaism's rich history to life as we discover the origins of the Jewish nation and the spiritual secrets of the Land's holy sites.
• Israel Today: Hear from chief rabbis, military brass and top political leaders. The group will be addressed by Israel's leaders and gain an insider's view of modern day Israel's challenges and triumphs.
• Mission of Solidarity: Head to the front lines of Israel's fight for survival. The trip is highlighted by a visit to the beleaguered community of Hebron, as well as an intimate barbecue with Israel Defense Force soldiers and officers during which participants will be able to express their support for our brothers and sisters.
• Five-Star Amenities: Concierge service from the moment you arrive, first-class accommodations at luxurious hotels, five-star gourmet meals and the very best Israel has to offer in education and entertainment.
To view the trip itinerary online or to register, you can visit: www.landandspirit.org and use code JewishOrlando22.
To reach Rabbi or Chanshy for any question, call 407-636-5994 or email Rabbi@JewishNorthOrlando.com, Chanshy@JewishNorthOrlanod.com.
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