Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

JFS Orlando's 10 favorite things in 2021

Jewish Family Services of Greater Orlando is very proud of all the work they have done over the past year to provide a family of services to the Orlando community. Here is a countdown list of JFS Orlando’s 10 favorite things in 2021:

10. Pearlman Emergency Food Pantry supplied food for more than 130,000 meals, and resumed picking up food from partners, including Fresh Market and Sprouts Farmers Market.

9. Family Stabilization Program helped over 100 families fight homelessness and become more self-sufficient for the long-term.

8. JFS community rabbi served more than 900 individuals and has continued to be available, especially during unexpected illness and death.

7. RIDE, Reliable Independent Drivers for the Elderly, program has arranged over 650 rides for seniors and disabled adults to get to vital medical appointments.

6. Kobrin Family Scholarship continued to support 4 UCF award recipients, totaling $10,000 in scholarship money, helping reduce the financial burden of college.

5. Counseling services provided accessible and affordable therapy, more than 3,000 sessions, via telehealth so clients can more easily meet from the comfort and safety of home.

4. JFS’s first-ever Hope Challenge raised $86,000, an increase of over 650 percent compared to 2020, and including matches from the Pearlman-Minkow Families and the Albertson Family.

3. JFS established the Michael McKee Volunteer Award, in recognition and celebration of McKee’s years of dedication and leadership in support of JFS Orlando.

2. Counseling services began new partnerships with Central Florida Hillel and Social Bridges to better meet the mental health needs of local youth.

1. JFS Orlando CARES, its COVID-19 emergency rental assistance program, distributed $885,000 in rental assistance to help 339 families remain housed, impacting a total of 860 individuals in our community most severely impacted financially by the pandemic.

Happy New Year! Wishing you a wonderful 2022 from everyone at Jewish Family Services of Greater Orlando. On behalf of the thousands who come to us for help every year, thank you so much for your support.

For more information about JFS Orlando or to help us continue our work in 2022, visit http://www.JFSorlando.org, follow us on social media @JFSorlando, or call us at 407-644-7593.


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