Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

ADL's director of Jewish outreach has history anti-Jewish postings

Esteemed Shillman Journalism fellow Daniel Greenfield from Frontpage Maga-zine revealed that the ADL hired an activist named Tema Smith to serve as its director of Jewish outreach. Smith’s hire is newsworthy because Smith has a long record of anti-Israel, pro-terror and anti-Jewish postings on social media. In other words, she has a long record of antisemitic activism, which Greenfield documented.

Consider a few examples of Smith’s publishing history:

• During the Hamas war against Israel in 2014, Smith posted and endorsed an article that justified Hamas’ abduction and murder of three Israeli teenagers and its massive missile onslaught against Israeli population centers.

• In 2020 she wrote, “Here’s the thing: Jews have to be ok with Palestinians explaining why some turn to terrorism.”

• On several occasions, Smith insisted that there is no Black antisemitism and that it is racist for Jews to claim that there is. She said that Jewish opposition to the deeply antisemitic Critical Race Theory stems from Jewish racism.

• As for Islamic Jew-haters, Smith has on several occasions defended the ji-hadist who brutally murdered 66-year-old Sarah Halimi, a retired nursery school teacher in her Paris apartment, and then threw her out the window.

• The ADL’s new Jewish outreach director attacked the U.S. Holocaust Museum for its criticism of progressive superstar Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio Cor-tez after Cortez obscenely compared detention centers for illegal aliens along the border with Mexico to Nazi concentration camps.

Senior Journalist David Harsanyi also just wrote about Smith’s horrendous stances, in an article titled, “The ADL Has Chosen a Side. And It’s Not the Jew-ish One.” Harsanyi gave context to her frightening quote that Smith tweeted: “Jews have to be ok with Palestinians, explaining why some turn to terrorism,” in the course of Smith’s disgraceful support of Biden appointee Reema Dodin’s defense of the Palestinian Arab terrorist who bombed the Sbarro pizza shop, murdering 15 innocent Jews, including seven children and a pregnant Jewish American woman. Harsanyi also noted Smith’s tweet accusing the Jewish com-munity of “implicit racism” for reacting to antisemitism coming from Black people.

Morton Klein is ZOA national president and Liz Berney, Esq. is ZOA director of research and special projects.


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