Dear Editor:
Good ole Uncle Joe Biden has more in common with good ole Uncle Joe Stalin than any American I can think of.
When he brings up, which he does constantly, that White Supremacy is the greatest threat to our Democracy he sounds like Tokyo Rose in her hey day bragging about the Japanese victories over America during WW II.
I know that he had racist animus toward Blacks and he didn’t want his children going to “hell hole” schools with them.
I know that he was close and admiring friends with fellow Senator Byrd who was a Grand Wizard of the KKK.
Uncle Joe, Sleepy Joe, Treasonous Joe might be the one person most responsible for the transformation of America from a Democracy to a Marxist nation much like what happened in Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela and many other nations in the world. What once were prosperous nations are now desolate ones where their citizens can’t buy or find even toilet paper or enough food for their families.
He accomplished the most dramatic failure in the history of our military: the defeat of America in Afghanistan, the loss of billions of dollars of the most sophisticated weapons in our arsenal and a good chance that those weapons will be used against us by our foreign enemies and domestic terrorists in the very near future.
We’ve come a long way from Saul Alinksy’s Marxist philosophies at the University of Chicago where some of his students were Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Barak Obama. Maxine Waters told her supporters what to do to confront their opponents right out of Saul’s playbook.
Now they’re everywhere. In the most prestigious universities to the community colleges to high schools, middle schools and elementary schools. Critical Race Theory is even weaving through our military.
How did this happen under our very noses?
Presently, the Left is winning and tearing up our Constitution and Bill of Rights line by line and the American people are reeling as millions of illegal aliens including terrorists assault our southern borders and are transported in the dead of the night throughout America — including right here in Maitland, Fla. just last week — and destroying our Welfare system, our Health Care system, our Education system and our security.
The Tea Party attack by Americans dressed as Indians dumping British tea overboard was the opening signal for the American Revolution.
Hundreds of riots, arson, looting, murders and insurrection over the past two years is the new Tea Party and we better wake up and fight it before they win.
William J. Levy
Ormond Beach, Fla.
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