As a caregiver, practicing self-care might feel like you're being selfish, but remember that the best caregiver is a healthy caregiver. You can't take care of another person's health if you don't take care of your own. The first step is to figure out what makes you feel healthy and happy. Even if it's for a few minutes, add something you love to your daily routine, like calling a friend during your drive to work (via Bluetooth in your car, not on your cellphone, of course), reading your favorite book, or listening to something funny while eating a healthy breakfast.
Making little adjustments to your day can have a big impact on your overall wellness. Our counselors are available to help you build your own wellness plan with healthy habits. Call 407-644-7671 or visit to request a counseling appointment. From our emergency food pantry to our RIDE program, learn more about JFS Orlando's FAMILY of services by visiting or call 407-644-7593.
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