Mildred - Congregation Ohev Shalom, Jewish Academy of Orlando and Kinneret
Congratulations to RAISE's Employee of the Month-Mildred!
Mildred is a valued employee at Congregation Ohev Shalom, Jewish Academy Art Room, and most recently added Kinneret Senior Living facility to her resume.
At Ohev, Mildred has the important responsibilities of serving snack to over 100 students and teachers each Wednesday. This has given Mildred the opportunity to interact with a variety of people and to be assertive when students try to get more snacks.
At Jewish Academy, Mildred works as an art teacher assistant. She helps the students with their art projects, redirects them when they are frustrated, and assists the art teacher in preparing materials needed for the day.
At Kinneret, Mildred helps in their resident run store, assists with special programs, and sells ice cream to the residents. Mildred enjoys talking with the residents and they all love her.
Mildred has shown tremendous responsibility for responding to all emails, and for keeping her calendar organized. She has learned how to self-advocate and ask for help when needed.
Mildred has demonstrated independence at her jobs and is working almost entirely without a job coach. Her pleasant demeanor and good manners make her a joy to be with.
Mildred always comes to Lunch and Learn with a smile on her face, a willingness to learn and to help other employees.
Brandon - The Roth Family JCC Fitness Center and Congregation Ohev Shalom
Brandon is an appreciated employee at both the JCC Fitness Center and Ohev. Brandon keeps the exercise rooms sanitized for all the clients. His favorite part of the job is being able to use the Magic Eraser to keep the gym pads clean.
At Ohev, Brandon has the important task of helping to get the synagogue ready each week for the Sabbath. He straightens all of the books in the sanctuary, gets the prayer shawls organized and ready for congregants, sets the tables in the ballroom, and wraps the silverware and napkins. Brandon has taken an interest in learning about the Jewish holidays during his work at Ohev.
At Lunch and Learn Brandon is an active participant - he always pays attention and participates in all discussions and activities. Brandon has learned how to be his own self-advocate.
Brandon has worked hard to learn his routine at both job sites. He is always receptive to feedback from his job coaches and has shown that he can be flexible. Brandon is always looking for ways to be more efficient at work.
Brandon's positive attitude and strong work ethic make him a valuable employee.
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