Jewish Academy of Orlando welcomed 34 new students into the 2022-2023 school year. Our motto this year is "Every Child Counts," and we have prepared a rich curriculum in both Hebrew/Judaic and Secular education that will help each child succeed in their own way. We will also be rolling out our Mini Mensch program that will help preschoolers transition into our kindergarten classes and JAO Connections which will help previous students of JAO connect with each other, be a welcoming face at their new schools or even connect them to alumni who can help mentor high school and/ or college students wanting to pursue the same career paths as their mentor. Along with our new program enhancements we will be setting goals for a much needed renovation project that will greatly improve our learning and teaching environments. If you would like to get involved or want to learn about what our school can offer your child, please give us a call today!
La Shanah Tova,
Theresa Evans
Executive Director
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