As the High Holidays approach, so does the time of self-betterment, healing, and repentance. When asking for forgiveness, take time to reflect on what you are specifically sorry for. Remember that you are responsible for your own words or behaviors. Clearly identify what you are sorry for in your apology, without blaming the other person or using "but you" statements.
After apologizing, acknowledge the next steps you might need to take to not make the same mistake next time. Change what you can and possibly work on learning a new skill that will help. Lastly, remember that apologizing isn't for the other person. Asking for an apology is the purpose of apologizing. If the other person is not in a place to accept your apology, it's not on you to change them, but on you to change you.
Forgiving others (and ourselves) can be difficult to do on our own. It might be time to seek out professional help through counseling. JFS Orlando therapists can help. Call 407-644-7671 or visit to request your appointment today. To learn more about JFS Orlando's FAMILY of services, visit or call 407-644-7593.
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