In May 2019, Governor DeSantis went to Jerusalem to sign a law that makes religion a protected class with respect to discrimination in public education, equating antisemitism with racism. In signing the bill, protecting students from discrimination based on religion at all grade levels, K through college, Governor DeSantis said “…antisemitism has no place in our state and our educational institutions will not tolerate discrimination against the Jewish people. … Florida is the most Israel-friendly state in the country and as long as I’m Governor, we will continue to stand with the Jewish community.”
Governor DeSantis was in Jerusalem with State Rep. Randy Fine, who sponsored the bill being signed.
During that same trip, DeSantis was the first U.S. governor to lead a trade mission to Israel’s Judea and Samaria, to promote cooperative business with Israelis and Palestinians. In Gush Etzion, an area which Israel lost in its 1948 War of Independence and regained in 1967, he spoke out against Boycott Divestment and Sanctions saying “You have people who would be willing to trade with Iran, the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world…but they only want to boycott the one Jewish democracy in the world…To me, that just shows you that antisemitism is driving the [BDS] movement. I don’t think you can separate the two.” According to the Jerusalem Post, DeSantis didn’t use the terms West Bank, settler, or settlements.
In June 2021, DeSantis signed a law allowing free volunteer ambulance services, including faith-based services, such as Hatzalah, to operate. When signing the bill at a synagogue in Bal Harbour he highlighted items in the Florida Leads Budget to support our Jewish community and Israel, including $4 million in security funding for Jewish Day Schools and $1 million in recurring funds for research and development of aerospace and other technology projects, in a cooperative effort between Space Florida and Israel. On that occasion, Governor DeSantis said, “Every family in our state should be able to send their children to school and know that they will be protected from harm and able to practice their faith…I will continue to make sure that in Florida we root out antisemitism and…show our support for Israel and our Jewish communities.”
In July 2021 he put Ben & Jerry’s and its parent, Unilever, on a list of companies being examined for boycotting Israel, potentially ending state purchases or investments. When starting the process, he said “As a matter of law and principle, the State of Florida does not tolerate discrimination against the State of Israel or the Israeli people…These actions affirm the State of Florida’s relationship with the State of Israel and our commitment to a swift response to those who discriminate against Israeli people.”
It’s no wonder that in his first trip to South Florida after being elected, in November 2018, Governor DeSantis visited a Jewish Day school and spoke about the importance of expanding educational options and enhancing security specifically at such schools. It’s no wonder that at his 2019 inauguration in Tallahassee there was a group of Chabad rabbis, including some from Central Florida. Governor DeSantis stands out from most of America’s governors in what he has done for Jews and for Israel.
Of course, all Floridians benefitted from Governor DeSantis’ leadership during the covid pandemic. He guided our state through the crisis with much less disruption than in other large states, less hospitalization, and less loss of business and employment. Under his leadership, we fared far better than might have been expected based on age and health demographics, including the number of elderly residents in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. He protected our children from harm to their educational and social development by keeping Florida public schools open.
According to the Jerusalem Post, Governor DeSantis “prides himself on being the most pro-Israel governor of the most pro-Israel state.” Even liberal Jews, who have voted consistently for Democrat candidates through many election cycles, should mark their ballots for Governor DeSantis, a true friend of the Jewish people and of Israel.
Rabbi Sanford (Sandy) Olshansky is a member of the National Leadership Council of the Republican Jewish Coalition.
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