Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Weekly roundup of world briefs

Ben Bernanke, former Fed chair, shares economics Nobel for research on banks and crisis

By Ron Kampeas

(JTA) — Ben Bernanke, the Jewish former chairman of the federal reserve, shared the Nobel Prize for Economics with two other scholars for their work in examining how banks function in economic crises.

Bernanke was recognized for an influential 1983 paper, written when he was a professor at Stanford University, that examined the Depression era to show how runs on banks during economic uncertainty tend to exacerbate and broaden a crisis. His theories helped inform his handling of the 2008 economic crisis and the bailout of major financial institutions at the time.

Sharing the prize for their separate research into bank collapse were two American scholars, Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig.

Bernanke, 68, was chairman of the Fed from 2006 to 2014, and was one of at least five Jewish chairmen of the body, which is the United States’ central banking system. His predecessor, Alan Greenspan, was Jewish, as was his successor, Janet Yellen.

The Associated Press quoted Bernanke as saying that he and his wife turned off their cell phones on Sunday evening, and so did not know about winning the prize until Monday when their daughter called and relayed the news.

Bernanke grew up in Dillon, South Carolina (where a highway interchange is named for him), and in his autobiography wrote how he encountered antisemitism growing up but that saw that Blacks had it much harder. His family was among the few Jewish families in town and hosted rabbinical students who traveled from New York City to lead services.

German extremist ‘dances’ on Holocaust memorial

(JNS) — A photo uploaded on social media shows far-right politician Holger Winterstein posing with his arms spread on one of the stone slabs that make up Berlin’s Holocaust Memorial for the more than six million Jews murdered by the Nazis and their helpers.

The photograph was taken following a protest organized by Winterstein’s Alternative for Germany party on Saturday.

AfD said it would take action against Winterstein, a county representative in Thuringia state, for his “extremely disrespectful behavior.”

The Israeli ambassador to Berlin, Ron Prosor, condemned Winterstein for appearing to dance on the country’s Holocaust Memorial, whose full name is the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe.

The politician “brought shame upon himself and his party,” the ambassador said in a tweet.

Iran rapidly expanding ability to enrich uranium

(JNS) — Iran is rapidly expanding its ability to enrich uranium using advanced centrifuges at its underground enrichment hall in Natanz.

Tehran intends to go further with its uranium enrichment program than it had previously planned, according to a confidential report from the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency seen by Reuters.

As indirect talks between Iran and the United States to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal have stalled, the Islamic Republic has begun to deploy a growing number of advanced centrifuges that the accord forbids it from using to produce enriched uranium, said Reuters, citing the classified report from the UN’s nuclear watchdog.

The machines are far more efficient than the first-generation IR-1 centrifuges, which the deal allows Iran to use to increase its stockpile of enriched uranium. Iran has been constructing the advanced centrifuges, especially at two underground sites in Natanz and Fordow, which are designed to withstand aerial bombardment, according to the report.

The IAEA has recently warned its member-states that the third of three cascades, or clusters, of advanced IR-6 centrifuges recently installed at the underground Fuel Enrichment Plant at Natanz has come online. According to diplomats, the IR-6 is Iran’s most advanced centrifuge.

Iran completed the installation of seven cascades that were either incomplete or in an early stage of installation on Aug. 31, the report added. The last inspection visit mentioned in the IAEA’s most recent quarterly report occurred on Sept. 6.

The seven cascades, each made up of one IR-4 centrifuge and six IR-2m machines, were fully installed but not yet enriching uranium, according to the report.

Bennett mulling resignation as alternate PM

(JNS) — Israeli Alternate Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is thinking of stepping down from the role immediately after the upcoming national election.

Bennett, who is not a candidate for the Knesset in the November 1 vote, is considering the move despite the possibility that it will fail to produce a stable coalition and that Prime Minister Yair Lapid could continue to serve in his current capacity for up to six months as part of a transitional government.

Under the law, the prime minister must be a member of the Knesset, but other cabinet members do not.

The Justice Ministry examined the question of whether Bennett can continue to serve as alternative prime minister after the election. A committee led by Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara ruled he can indeed continue to serve in the post, citing as precedent when Prime Minister Ehud Olmert continued to serve as premier from February 25 to March 31, 2009, despite not being a member of the legislature, in the aftermath of an election and until a new government was established.

Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked, Bennett’s former political partner, has asked him to transfer to her his veto powers under his agreement with Lapid, in the event that he leaves his post before the formation of the next government.

Shaked’s office said she views the preservation of the veto power as having “supreme importance” in order to safeguard the power of the political right under the current government structure.

Bennett’s office said in a statement that he would continue to serve as alternative prime minister until the election, at which point he will “make a decision on his future path according to the conditions.”

Fox News dropped Kanye West’s anti-Semitic comments from aired interview

(JNS) — Kanye West’s bizarre and antisemitic remarks were cut from a recent Tucker Carlson interview by Fox News.

“I’d prefer my kids knew Chanukah than Kwanzaa, at least it would come with some financial engineering,” said West, who now goes by the name Ye. This plays off the anti-Semitic belief that Jews control the world’s financial system.

Vice obtained parts of the interview that were taken out of the version aired.

Other footage that did not air has multiple statements about Jews.

West remarked, “When I say Jew, I mean the 12 lost tribes of Judah, the blood of Christ, who the people known as the race Black really are.”

Carlson did not counter West’s claims and closed the segment by saying he is “not crazy” and “worth listening to.”

Twitter, over the weekend, restricted the account of the American rapper and designer following a rant in which he posted to the social media platform that he would go “death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE.”

It came after Instagram on Sunday suspended West’s profile after he shared a screenshot of a conversation with rapper Sean “Diddy” Combs that was captioned “Jesus is Jew.” In one of the messages, West suggested that Combs was controlled by Jews, a centuries-old blood libel.

Maccabi Haifa stuns Juventus in Champions League match

(JNS) — Maccabi Haifa F.C. defeated Italian soccer powerhouse Juventus 2-0 on Tuesday night, securing the Israeli team’s first UEFA Champions League win since 2002.

Forward Omer Atzili’s two first-half goals and Maccabi’s stubborn defense propelled the team to a historic victory before 30,074 fans at Sammy Ofer Stadium in Haifa.

The top two teams in Group H are currently Paris St. Germain and Benfica. After its loss, third-placed Juventus’ chances of advancing to the knock-out phase are slim.

Despite its 3-1 victory over Maccabi Haifa at home last week, Juventus has only collected three points from a possible 12 in four games played to date. The Italian team is also struggling domestically, in eighth place in Serie A.

Lapid says maritime deal decreases likelihood of war with Hezbollah as Netanyahu blasts ‘historic surrender’

(JNS) — Prime Minister Yair Lapid said on Wednesday evening that Israel’s new maritime agreement with Lebanon would decrease the likelihood of war with Iran-backed Hezbollah.

“We refused the final demands raised by the Lebanese government last week, and they were removed from the final wording. Today, the agreement was presented before the Security Cabinet and the Government, both of whom approved by a large majority the continuation of this process,” Lapid said, adding, “This agreement staves off the possibility of a military clash with Hezbollah. Israel is not afraid of Hezbollah.”

Defense Minister Benny Gantz, also speaking at the joint press conference with Energy Minister Karin Elharrar, said that Israel would continue to prevent Iran’s entrenchment and transfer of advanced military equipment to Syria and Lebanon.

“I would like to emphasize that we have not given up one ‘millimeter’ that is critical to our security,” he stated.

Likud party leader Benjamin Netanyahu blasted the deal as a “historic surrender” that sends money to Hezbollah and allows Iran to get its hands on the Qana gas field.

The deal, Netanyahu argued, also surrenders Israeli territory and “gives into Hezbollah’s demand to allow Iran to drill for gas off Israel’s coast. They are bringing Iran close to our northern border.”

Once-in-seven-years ‘Hakhel’ celebration held at Western Wall

(JNS) — A once-in-seven-years “Hakhel” event was held at the Western Wall on Wednesday evening with music and the participation of Israeli public figures such as President Isaac Herzog, chief rabbis past and present, and other prominent leaders.

Hakhel refers to the communal ceremony coinciding with Israeli farmers’ return to work after the conclusion of the “Shemitah” sabbatical year in a seven-year cycle. Only when all Jews are physically present in Israel is the biblical mitzvah of Hakhel in force.

In modern times, Jews follow the ancient tradition by assembling to promote Jewish unity and Torah observance.

The root of the tradition comes from Deuteronomy 31:10-12, which states, “At the end of every seven years, at an appointed time, in the Festival of Sukkot [following] the year of Shemitah. When all Israel comes to appear before the Lord, your God, in the place He will choose, you shall read this Torah before all Israel, in their ears. Assemble the people: the men, the women, the children.”

Recently resigned Los Angeles City Council president made antisemitic comments, audio reveals

(JNS) — Disgraced political leader Nury Martinez made antisemitic comments in an October 2021 conversation with Los Angeles City Councilmembers Kevin de León and Gil Cedillo, the Los Angeles Times reported on Tuesday, adding to the racism controversy surrounding the now-former president of the City Council.

Martinez — who already resigned as Los Angeles City Council president following the revelation of her racist comments about African Americans and Oaxacans — is heard on the same leaked audio clips saying in regard to the issue of redistricting that “judíos (Jews in Spanish) cut their deal with South L.A.,” evoking anti-Semitic conspiracy theories on Jewish control of government and finances.

Martinez’s comment came in response to a remark by Ron Herrera, former president of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, who had said that “I’m sure [redistricting commission member Richard] Katz and his crew have an agenda.”

Jews, added Martinez, “are gonna screw everybody else.”

Martinez also took aim at Armenian politicians, including State Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian and Councilmember Paul Krekorian, claiming that they are colluding to ensure that “as many Armenians in that district (where Nazarian is currently running) as possible to be able to play.” Martinez doubted Nazarian’s chances of getting elected because the district is “pretty white.”

Kanye West says he’s happy he ‘crossed the line’ with anti-Semitic comments

(JNS) — In an interview with the New York Post’s Page Six on Wednesday, rapper Kanye West made it clear that he has no reservations about his recent anti-Semitic statements and social media posts.

“Hey, if you call somebody out for bad business, that means you’re being anti-Semitic. I feel happy to have crossed the line of that idea so we can speak openly about things like getting canceled by a bank,” he said at a screening of a new documentary by conservative pundit Candace Owens.

West was referring to JP Morgan Chase, the bank that served his clothing empire, which dropped him following his comments.

Owens tweeted a screenshot of an email she claimed was from JP Morgan Chase telling West he has until Nov. 21 to find a new bank.

“As I gather my thoughts about this, I want to say that I do not care what you think about Ye West, but I very much care what you think about this,” Owens said. “We have reached extremely frightening times in this country.”

West, who has officially changed his name to “Ye,” sparked outrage on Monday with a now-deleted tweet saying that he was going to go “death con 3” on Jewish people. He followed up the tweet by asking his followers, “Who do you think created cancel culture?”

Owens defended West on her show following his comments, claiming, “If you are an honest person, you did not think this tweet was anti-Semitic.”

The social media posts came soon after West was interviewed by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. 

Vice obtained footage that was cut out of the aired interview in which West expressed his belief in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

“I’d prefer my kids knew Hanukkah than Kwanzaa, at least it would come with some financial engineering,” he told Carlson, alluding to the conspiracy theory that Jews control the global financial system.

Israel providing Ukraine with intel on Iranian drones

(JNS) — Israel has been providing Ukraine with “basic intelligence about Iranian drones” that Russia is deploying in its war against Ukraine, The New York Times reported on Wednesday.

A private Israeli company has also begun providing Ukraine with satellite imagery of Russian military positions on Ukrainian territory, the report said, citing a senior Ukrainian official.

On Wednesday, Ukraine shot down at least nine Iranian-made drones launched by Russia, Ukraine’s military said.

Meanwhile, Fox News reported on Tuesday that Moscow has armed its neighbor and ally Belarus with dozens of Iranian-made drones, as tensions between Minsk and NATO grow and Belarus threatens to send ground forces into Ukraine to support its Russian ally.

Kyiv’s Main Directorate of Intelligence, a part of its Defense Ministry, said on Tuesday that 32 Iranian-made Shahed-136 suicide drones arrived in Belarus in recent days and that eight more are slated to arrive by Friday.

Ukraine said 84 cruise missiles and dozens of drones were fired by Russia at its cities on Wednesday, targeting energy infrastructure and other civilian sites.

“Ukraine has asked Israel for air defense systems as well, given the successes of that country’s Iron Dome as well as the longer-range Barak-8 [surface-to-air missile]. Israel has so far declined, however, reluctant to provoke Russia into obstructing Israeli airstrikes in Syria, where Russia has a military presence,” the Times reported.

In late September, a senior Ukrainian official said Israel delivered “a little bit of intelligence information” about Iranian weapons being supplied to Russia for use in its war against Ukraine.

However, “we need much more than that,” Kan News reported the official as saying.


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