Make gratitude part of your daily routine. Two common issues you might run into when starting a gratitude practice are forgetfulness and a lack of awareness. Try writing what you’re grateful for in a journal. This can be a great way to bring up memories from everyday events and keep thankfulness top of mind. You can also integrate visual reminders around you, like in your office, car, or home. These could be pictures of your loved ones, your children’s drawings, or even motivational quotes on sticky notes, anything that can serve as a cue to trigger thankful thoughts.
Treat gratitude like a muscle: the more you use it, the stronger it will get! Consider meeting with a JFS therapist to keep that grateful mindset going strong. Call 407-644-7671 or visit to request an appointment today. Telehealth counseling appointments available! Learn more about JFS Orlando’s FAMILY of services at or call 407-644-7593. Thank you!
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