Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

American Jews, get out now!

(JNS) — It’s not like me to be an alarmist, but I’ve been thinking about something for months, maybe years. As time passes, it’s become increasingly clear that the worst-case scenario is about to happen.

The Jewish people outside of Israel must step back and examine their reality.

Too many things are happening at once that point to the fact that the s**t is about to hit the fan.

This isn’t new. It’s been going on for years, escalation after escalation. But over the past few months, it’s reached the point of no return.

It’s just too much to ignore.

Anti-Semitism on Twitter is nothing new. Far from it. In fact, the founder and former CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, once tweeted me directly that his team would handle the abuse I saw on the platform. That was many years ago. Not much has changed.

I know you’ve probably heard about it, and if you’re on Twitter, maybe you’ve experienced it. Just to illustrate how bad it is: On every Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day) since my brother Ari was murdered, I get endless repulsive tweets.

To name one of hundreds, someone on Twitter sent me a picture of Ari with flames coming out of him and blood everywhere. The image was captioned, “May he rest in piss.”

So, anti-Semitism is not new. It’s been here for centuries. Anti-Semitism online is also not new. But until recently, it was frowned upon and was not part of the mainstream.

Then came the anti-Semitism in Congress. The famous “Squad,” whose members like to disguise their Jew-hatred by calling it anti-Zionism.

Let’s just pause here for a second.

Saying that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism is a ridiculous claim. Can one criticize the Israeli government and its policies without being anti-Semitic? Of course!

Can someone deny the validity of Zionism, which is the belief that after thousands of years, the Jews deserve to come home to their homeland, without being anti-Semitic?

No. Just no. You cannot claim the Jews don’t deserve a home without hating Jews.

Period. Full stop. End of story.

So now there is full blown anti-Semitism in Congress. But the Squad is not viewed as mainstream and has little influence. Right? Not really, but ok, let’s go with it.

Fast forward to 2022.

Ye, the most iconic and successful singer, entertainer and businessman we’ve seen in decades, goes full blown Jew-hater right in front of the cameras.

He begins to lose his influence and money. He doubles down instead of backing away. He loses more. And more. And more. And he keeps standing his ground with the claim, “But it’s true!”

So that’s Ye. If you think this won’t have a backlash in the form of “Well I guess he was right that the Jews have too much influence. Look what happened to him!” then you’re kidding yourself. It’s already starting.

Then comes Kyrie Irving, one of the most beloved players in the NBA. He goes and shares a link to a full-blown anti-Semitic movie. “I wasn’t promoting it. I just shared it.” Really? Would that argument hold up if I was “just sharing” a racist or sexist movie? No, it would not, and everyone knows it.

And so, Kyrie gets cancelled. Expect more backlash from that.

Then there’s geopolitics.

Israel—“the apartheid state.” What people don’t realize is the real danger is not from the people who are spreading such lies. The real danger is the people who know zero about Israel. They keep hearing these lies over and over. Smart people spreading absolute lies about Israel. Millions of people know nothing about this spectacular country other than what they see on Twitter, on CNN, at the U.N. and in Congress.

Ukraine? Israel, according to Ukraine and its ally the U.S., is not doing its part. That’s explosive. Lot of hatred around this…

Then throw in the recent Israeli elections. America is expressing blatant dissatisfaction with the fact that Itamar Ben-Gvir was elected.

Who the actual heck asked them?

Add that to the boiling pot.

Then there is Iran. And America’s foreign aid to Israel. And on and on.

Oh, and let’s not forget that the extreme left and extreme right have zero in common. Except one thing: Jew-hatred. They have that in common.

The list of reasons people hate the Jews is getting longer and longer by the day.

And Jews are literally being beaten in the streets!

All this is to say: I am scared. I am scared for my brothers and sisters in the U.S., in Europe and, well, everywhere except Israel.

It’s easy for me to say this because my parents brought me here as a teenager. But I would like to believe that, had they not, I would have ended up here anyway.

But still, I have to say it because it needs to be said.

Get. Out. Of. There. Now!

Come home, people.

You might feel safe for the time being, but read the writing on the wall.

Someone recently framed it well: In America, you can succeed despite being a Jew. In Israel, you can succeed because you’re a Jew.

Israel is home, and no matter what the Squad or Joe Biden think of us, we are here and will always be here welcoming you with open arms.

But don’t kid yourself. The pot is about to boil over!

Hillel Fuld, named Israel’s top marketer, is a leading journalist, tech advisor, online influencer and expert on Israeli innovation.


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