Put your last year into perspective. Take inventory of your achievements and situations you felt went well, but also disappointments and moments you felt could have gone better. While looking at those that didn’t go well, try turning them into learning experiences. What can you take from this situation that will help you in the future?
The new year can be the perfect opportunity to reflect and look at the bigger picture of a difficult situation. It might take some time and grace to accept the times things didn’t work out how we wanted, but try to remember and be proud of the times they did! It can only make you stronger on your wellness journey ahead.
Get a little help finding that new perspective from a JFS therapist by calling 407-644-7671 or by visiting JFSorlando.org/counseling. JFS Orlando is here to help with our FAMILY of services and programs designed just for you. Learn more at JFSorlando.org or call 407-644-7593.
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