January is National Poverty Awareness in America Month and, between our busy Pearlman Food Pantry and the effects of poverty all our Family of Services witness every day, we can safely say that coping with poverty can be very difficult. The emotional and psychological struggle are often the most distressing of all, especially the sense of failure and humiliation.
Unlike a sudden trauma, poverty can be relentless and demands immense courage, determination, and most of all endurance to persevere. Even with these abilities, it can slowly wear you down. Trying to focus on what you can control is key to coping with poverty. Maintain your dignity and avoid the self-pity trap, even when things aren't fair. Volunteering to help others can go a long way to boosting your self-esteem. And no matter how difficult or bleak things look, remember to do your best to keep a sense of hope.
Are you stressing about living in poverty or being on the verge of poverty? Do you need help coping? Request an appointment with a JFS therapist today by calling 407-644-7671 or visiting JFSorlando.org/counseling. To learn more about JFS Orlando's FAMILY of services, visit JFSorlando.org or call 407-644-7593.
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