Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Insights from The Orlando Senior Help Desk Care for caregivers

Caregiver burn out is real and can be very harmful. How can you take care of a loved one if you are exhausted or not feeling well. Consider options such as support groups, adult day care and hiring a part-time companion. There are many free resources for caregivers. The Jewish Pavilion has the Orlando Senior Help Desk; a free information and referral service 407-678-9363.

AARP recommends the following:

Create the Good, createthegood.org

CaregiverAction Network, 855-227-3640, caregiveraction.org

Family Caregiver Alliance, 800-445-8106, care.giver.org

ElderSource, 888-242-4464, myeldersource.org

AARP Family Caregiving, aarp.org/caregiving

AARP Family Caregiving, 877-333-5885 (Spanish speakers 888-971-2013)

AARP Family Caregivers Facebook Group, facebook.com/groups/aarpfamilycaregivers

I Heart Caregivers, aarp.org/iheartcaregivers

AARP Online Caregivign, aarp.org/caregivingcommunity

AARP Home Fit Guide, aarp-org/homefit

National Resources for Family Caregiviers, aarp.org/resourcesforcaregivers

While most seniors face major adjustments when transitioning to an elder-care community, Jewish seniors face additional challenges. Not only do they lose their homes, and many of their friends, but they also lose ties to their cultural heritage. This is where the Jewish Pavilion, a 501c3 non-profit, steps in. The Pavilion serves as a resource that provides room visits, festive holiday celebrations, and more to 450 Jewish residents in fifty facilities for seniors. The Jewish Pavilion promotes inclusion, and thousands of seniors of all faiths are welcomed into our programs. http://www.JewishPavilion.org

The Orlando Senior Help Desk at the Jewish Pavilion (407-678-9363) helps thousands of callers navigate their way through the daunting senior maze, alleviating caregiver stress while giving advice on all types of elder issues. http://www.OrlandoSeniorHelpDesk.org.


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