Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

5783 Community Year in Review

September 2022

The Jewish community along with the rest of the world mourned the death by natural causes of Queen Elizabeth II on Sept. 8, 2022. Just as September was about to leave, Hurricane Ian struck, causing massive flooding and power outages across Central Florida. Most severely harmed was the Fort Myers area. Federations doubled down on providing their community with food and emergency assistance.

October 2022

Lots of changes happened in October. Kinneret apartments, collectively known as Kinneret Inc., were sold to Fairstead for $57 million. Fairstead plans to preserve the affordability of the property and embarked on a substantial renovation to modernize the seniors’ homes.

Beth Shalom Memorial Chapel relocated to 640 Lee Road, Orlando, gaining much needed space. JNF-USA Orlando installed two professionals, Josh Mellits and Harrison Shames, in new Orlando roles in response to the organization’s rapid growth in this region. RAISE director Rachel Slavkin, joined Shalom Orlando as RAISE Inclusion director on staff. Founder of the Holocaust Center, Tess Wise, passed away on Oct. 23, 2022. Kinneret Tenant Association honored 101-year-old Jean Dolen by renaming the Delaney Café, the Jean Dolen Café.

November 2022

Congregation Ohev Shalom welcomed Cantor Jeffrey Weber. COS then held a gala to honor their new rabbi, Geoffrey Spector, and new cantor. Longtime Scene Around columnist, Gloria Yousha, passed away Nov. 18, 2022.

December 2022

Shalom Orlando’s Jewish Community Relations Council encouraged the community to speak out against hate crimes after a mass shooting in Colorado Springs in which five people were killed and 25 injured. Community builder Marc Katzen died on Dec. 4, 2022.

January 2023

Jewish Family Services was awarded a $50,00 United Way grant. Passionate leader in the community, Burt Chasnov, died on Jan. 15, 2023.

February 2023

The Oviedo-Winter Springs area welcomed a new Chabad Center led by Rabbi Tzviky and Fraidy Dubov.

March 2023

Rep. Darren Soto met with Rabbi Konikov of Chabad of South Orlando concerning harassment from the antisemitic group Goyim Defense League. Rep. Soto requested an investigation of GDL. Former actress Hedy Lamarr was honored with an historical marker placed in Red Bug Lake Park in Casselberry in recognition of being an actress during the Golden Age of Hollywood, but also for designing a secret communication system for torpedo guidance during WWII.

April 2023

Through its partnership with the Rosen Hotels & Resorts and Joann Fabrics, RAISE expanded into Southwest Orlando. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a law cracking down on hate speech. The bill HB269, titled “Public Nuisances” makes it a felony to harass people for their religion pr ethnicity. It also penalizes leaving flyers with hateful images, messages or any other “credible threat” on a person’s private property.

June 2023

Just after Shavuot, Chabad of North Orlando completed a new Torah Scroll.

Local resident Ed Borowsky released his first fiction novel, “It’s A Good Day to Liquidate.” Previously, he published a novella, “The Great Mongolian Bowling League of the United States of America,” which won an International Book Award.

July 2023

Rabbi Steven Engel resigned as rabbi of Congregation of Reform Judaism after serving for 26 years. Rabbi Rachel Jackson replaced him and is the first female rabbi in Central Florida. Also, Southwest Orlando Jewish Congregation welcomed Rabbi Melissa Crespy as their rabbi. That makes two female rabbis for Central Florida! The Jewish Academy of Orlando hired a new head of school, Chana Ben-Abraham.

August 2023

Jewish Family Services Pearlman Food Pantry distributed record levels of food not seen in its 45-year history. Four of the past six months exceeded previous record of 447 sets, with the highest being 581 in May. Jewish groups reached out to help relief efforts in Maui. Southwest Orlando Jewish Congregation welcomed student rabbi Michael Fraade. The Rosen JCC had a major change in leadership — CEO Dr. Reuben Romirowsky retired after four years and Ofira Bondorowsky assumed the duties of CEO the last week of August. Chabad of UCF opened its new Student Center at the University of Central Florida.


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