Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Dvorchik no longer at Shalom Orlando

The Shalom Orlando Board stated that Keith Dvorchik is “no longer with the organization,” effective immediately. Craig Polejes, Shalom Orlando Board of Director’s chairman, did not give any information as to the reason for this action.

“We are deeply committed to the Central Florida Jewish community and its mission to serve our community,” said Polejes. “This change in leadership is an opportunity to embrace new possibilities and fresh perspectives while upholding the traditions and values that make our organization unique.”

Shalom Orlando expressed its gratitude to Dvorchik for his dedication and service during his tenure. “The organization wishes him success in his future endeavors.”

In a phone conversation, Dvorchik stated that he and his family will remain in the Orlando community.

Dvorchik became the CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando on Oct. 1, 2016. He came to Orlando after serving as CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. While in Seattle, Dvorchik established and reestablished a portfolio of programs by setting the direction and raising the funds necessary to make those programs possible. He accomplished much the same here.

During his seven years as the Federation CEO, he took action when many antisemitic threats affected the JCC campus, including a bomb threat at the Jewish Academy of Orlando. Due to the added costs resulting from the bomb threats, Dvorchik helped implement a 24-hour online fundraiser for a total goal of $200,000. Within the first two hours, the goal was met. When the deadline came, 916 individuals had donated a total of $428,274.

Other accomplishments under Dvorchik’s leadership included the retirement of the JCC campus debt; the JCC and the Federation began joint operations in key business areas; he participated in an Encounter trip to the Judea and Samaria with Aaron Weil, executive director and CEO of Central Florida Hillel, where they met with many Palestinians in an effort to “contribute to a durable resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in which all parties live with respect, recognition, and rights”; a concise population study of the Central Florida Jewish community was completed; the Federation raised $62K in a Human Services Relief Matching campaign, sponsored by the Jewish Federations of North America. JFNA matched with $31K (50 percent matching gift), equaling a total of $93K for our community; and one year ago, Shalom Orlando was born, bringing together the Jewish Federation and the JCC under one umbrella.

The Board of Directors is actively engaged in the search for a new CEO.

In the interim, all questions or concerns regarding Shalom Orlando operations should be directed to Melissa Youngblood, chief education officer. Jake Silverman, chief security officer, will be the point of contact for any issues related to facilities and facility management.

Melissa Youngblood, chief education officer, melissa.youngblood@shalomorlando.org.

Jake Silverman, chief security officer, jake.silverman@shalomorlando.org.

Joel Jones, marketing vice president, joel.jones@shalomorlando.org.

Sam Friedman, chief development officer, sam.friedman@shalomorlando.org.

Laura Abramson, executive director, programming, laura.abramson@shalomorlando.org.


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