Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

2024 Membership appeal for the Jewish Pavilion

The Jewish Pavilion is a special organization dedicated to ensuring that the elderly members of the Jewish community are not forgotten. It has been a lifeline for seniors residing in long-term care facilities for the past 23 years.

As the year 2024 unfolds, the Jewish Pavilion embarks on its annual membership appeal. In December, appeal letters will be sent to 4000 households. The message is clear: membership in the Jewish Pavilion is not just a financial contribution; it is a gift of love and attention to the elders who had become part of the organization’s extended family.

The appeal highlights the modest budget of the charity, proudly stating that almost every penny of the $350,000 raised over the past 15 years had been dedicated to serving the elderly. No frills, just genuine care and commitment. The Jewish Pavilion has touched the lives of several thousand seniors, offering companionship, Sabbath and holiday programs, thoughtful gift bags, musicales, and, most importantly, a connection to their Jewish heritage.

The organization’s reach extends across Orange, Seminole, and Volusia counties, with 50 elder-care communities. Serving 425 Jewish seniors and their friends, the charity has become a symbol of resilience and love, fostering a sense of community among those who often felt isolated in their later years.

A remarkable aspect of the Jewish Pavilion’s appeal is its transparency. A staggering 94 percent of all donations directly funds programs for seniors. There are no hidden fees, no bureaucratic red tape—just a straightforward commitment to making a difference in the lives of those who had paved the way for future generations.

Membership rates range from a humble $36 to a more generous $2500, ensuring that anyone, regardless of their financial capacity, can contribute to this noble cause. The generosity of the community is truly appreciated, and every donation, big or small, is a step toward providing love and attention to the elders who long for connection.

In the end, the Jewish Pavilion’s membership appeal isn’t just about financial support; it is a call to join hands in a shared mission of love and connection. It is an invitation to become part of a community that understands the value of honoring those who had paved the way.


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