Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Who's funding the pro-Hamas protests? Are they aiming to take down America?

(Gatestone Institute via JNS) — The answers to the question of who is funding the groups behind the pro-Hamas, anti-Israeli protests on U.S. campuses continue to grow in complexity. It appears that a multitude of donors are falling over each other to help promote the cause of the officially designated terrorist group, whose openly stated aim is the destruction of Israel and the Jews, to impressionable young students and the public at large.

Politico revealed—to those who still had doubts—that many of the people bankrolling the campus protests are among Biden’s largest donors. They include Democratic mega-donors George Soros and David Rockefeller Jr. of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Both have donated to anti-Israel groups through the Tides Foundation, once described as a “charitable money laundering” organization. It sponsors anti-Israel groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow, both of which are active in the protests. In addition, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund has given nearly $500,000 directly to Jewish Voice for Peace over the past five years, and donated to the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights.

Hamas-affiliated professor Hatem Bazian, a founder of Students for Justice in Palestine and chairman of American Muslims for Palestine, calls himself “an ally and partner with Jewish Voice for Peace.” Bazian began calling for an intifada in the United States at least 20 years ago.

The Libra Foundation, founded by Democratic megadonors Susan and Nick Pritzker, heirs to the Hyatt hotel empire, has also donated money to organizations behind the protests, including Solidaire Network. According to Influence Watch:

“[Susan] Pritzker is board treasurer of Solidaire Network, a left-of-center donor group supporting race, gender, and climate-based causes. Its 10-year strategy is ‘a roadmap to liberate wealth for movements to build lasting left power in the United States.’”

Rather more jarring is that the Biden administration, and therefore taxpayer money, is also funding the protests, through the Environmental Protection Agency.

“U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Vice Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference and Ranking Member of the Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee…discussed oversight findings from the EPW Committee that revealed a $50 million grant was awarded from the EPA through the Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to ‘Climate Justice Alliance,’ a group that engages in pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, and anti-Semitic activities.”

According to Moore Capito:

“[We] went to the website of Climate Justice Alliance. This is what we found on the website, that our taxpayer dollars are going to organizations such as this. This, at the bottom, is a picture of the bulldozer that went through the fence when Hamas attacked Israel on October 7. They have a rendering on their website, it says ‘Decolonize Palestine’ and it has a picture of that same bulldozer going through that fence.

“If you dig deeper, they want to defund the police, defund the military, either them or their affiliates, want to have very radical, drastic initiatives that I think are anti-American, and they’re certainly anti-Israel and antisemitic. So, the Biden administration doesn’t seem to care. Fifty million dollars in December, who knows how much more in the future and other like groups because there are other associated groups with this group…all they care about is the mission, the climate mission, no matter what…radical ideas are…associated with the groups.”

Foreign actors are also involved behind the scenes to foment chaos and reap the benefits of a United States in turmoil. China, for instance, is maneuvering by means of an organization named Code Pink, which has been highly active in demonstrations, sit-ins and harassment of members of the pro-Israel camp.

According to the New York Times, American millionaire Neville Roy Singham “works closely with the Chinese government media machine and is financing its propaganda worldwide.” He does so through a web of organizations and in a mix of “progressive advocacy with Chinese government talking points.” The Times describes how Code Pink went from criticizing China’s human rights violations to defending its reportedly genocidal treatment of Muslim Uyghurs after Singham, in 2017, married Jodie Evans, the co-founder of Code Pink.

Singham, a long-time admirer of Mao Zedong, lives in Shanghai, where he helps promote the Chinese Communist Party. His wife ardently defends China. “If the U.S. crushes China,” she said in 2021, it “would cut off hope for the human race and life on Earth.” Code Pink is currently under investigation by the House Committee on Natural Resources for its ties to the CCP.

Singham is also the primary sponsor of the People’s Forum, which has helped organize many anti-Israel walkouts in New York City public schools—telling students to chant the slogan advocating the destruction of Israel: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

Significantly, the People’s Forum was behind the recent three-day conference in Detroit called the “People’s Conference for Palestine.” The event featured Wissam Rafidi, a member of the terrorist group Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine—a U.S. designated terrorist entity—who said that “there is no longer a place for a two-state solution for any Palestinian. The only solution is one democratic Palestinian land which will end the Zionist project in Palestine.”

Sana’ Daqqa, the wife of late PFLP terrorist Walid Daqqa—who served a life sentence in prison for kidnapping and murdering an Israeli soldier—praised the U.S. campus protests, and then said, referring to the Oct. 7 massacre (in Arabic called “Al-Aqsa Flood”):

“The only thing that can stop this is a flood…. This is what the resistance intended, that the flood would become floods throughout the entire region.”

U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib was also at the conference, where she called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “murderous war criminal.” The People’s Forum’s executive director Manolo De Los Santos called for the complete destruction of the United States at the conference, to great applause:

“We have to bring down this empire with one million cuts, and those one million cuts have to come from every sector of struggle in this room. I know all of you in this movement are exhausted…but it is not about gathering and talking. It is about transforming that work into action,” he said.

Terrorists and their billionaire supporters are actively conspiring to destroy the United States, with the backing of foreign powers—and very little, if anything, is being done to stop it.

Meanwhile, at the end of May, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei thanked and praised the pro-Hamas protesters on U.S. campuses.

“Dear university students in the United States of America, you are standing on the right side of history,” tweeted Khamenei.

“You have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front and have begun an honorable struggle in the face of your government’s ruthless pressure—which openly supports Zionists,” he wrote.

Khamenei then added:

“Dear university students in the US, my advice to you is to become familiar with the Quran.”

Originally published by the Gatestone Institute.


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