How do we know there's a G-d? Do the Torah and science conflict? How do you know the Torah is true?
These are some of the fascinating questions that will be discussed in "OMG - The Battle Between Faith and Logic," a six-lesson course from JLI teens.
This course will tackle the greatest theological questions humanity has been asking for thousands of years. Students will stand alongside ancient Jewish thinkers who've grappled with powerful existential questions about G-d, morality, and dealing with life's challenges. Bridging age-old Jewish wisdom with modern thinking, your teen will be better prepared to develop a system of personal principles that will provide guidance and direction throughout his or her life.
"Teens have deep questions and are not always willing to discuss it with their parents. This course will give them an opportunity to openly discuss what is on their mind and hopefully deepen their connection to Judaism," said Rabbi Yanky Majesky of Chabad North Orlando who will be teaching the class.
The classes will be held on Sundays from 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. at Nate's Shul in Longwood and lunch will be served. There is no cost to attend and what's best, teens will be awarded $17 per lesson for a total of $102 at the end of the course.
You must attend at least 5 out of the 6 lessons to earn this award.
The program is open to all Jewish high school students in our community. No previous knowledge or affiliation needed.
"Sadly, for so many Jewish kids their formal Jewish education ends with bar mitzvah but there is so much more to learn! As our children mature in every area of their lives, it is crucial that they deepen their understanding of Judaism as they grow into young adults," explained Chanshy Majesky, co-director of Chabad.
The new course begins on Sept. 8 and the deadline to RSVP is Aug. 25. For more information or to register your teen, visit For more questions or if you'd like to help sponsor this program, please email Rabbi Yanky Majesky at or call the Chabad office 407-636-5994.
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