Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Our senior citizens - witnesses of America's history

Independence Day is a time when people of all ages come together to celebrate the freedom and liberty that their country provides. While the focus of this celebration is often on the younger generation, it is important to recognize and honor the contributions of senior citizens who have played a significant role in building and shaping our nation.

Senior citizens have lived through decades of change, witnessing the progress and challenges that have shaped our society. They have experienced firsthand the struggles and victories that have led to the freedoms we enjoy today. It is a testament to their resilience and strength that they continue to contribute and participate in society, even in their golden years.

As we celebrate Independence Day, Jewish Pavilion Senior Services will not forget to honor and appreciate the senior citizens in our lives. They are a living testament to the values that our nation was built upon, and their stories and experiences enrich our understanding of our history. Let us recognize their resilience, wisdom, and contributions, and ensure that they have the support and resources they need to continue living independent and fulfilling lives.

Lauren Sharfstein, 

program director


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