Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

'Jewish Indiana Jones' to present "The Archaeological Claim to Jerusalem"

Tisha B’Av is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar. On this day, both the first and second Holy Temples which stood in Jerusalem were destroyed: the First Temple by the Babylonians in the year 423 BCE, and the second by the Romans in 69 CE. In honor of this day, Chabad of North Orlando will present a lecture titled “The Archaeological Claim to Jerusalem.” The talk will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 13, at 7 p.m., in Nate’s Shul 1701 Markham Woods Road in Longwood.

It will be a multimedia presentation and it centers on one of the most contentious issues in the Middle East conflict between Jews and Arabs: The denial of the Jewish historical claim to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.

“In recent years, archaeological discoveries in the ancient city of Jerusalem and throughout the Land of Israel have uncovered key findings that present a powerful and convincing case for the biblical story and for the Jewish claim to Israel — even for those who have a hard time believing,” said Rabbi Yanky Majesky, co-director of Chabad.

The lecture will be presented by Rabbi Avraham Stolik [founder and director of the Jerusalem Uncovered Institute, as well as director of Chabad in Downtown Coral Gables, Florida]. Stolik has combined his knowledge of Jewish history with his archaeological passion while lecturing on the topic of biblical archaeology for more than a decade, focusing mainly on Jerusalem. He has been dubbed the “Jewish Indiana Jones” and has given his “Jerusalem Uncovered” presentations across the country.

“This is a topic that I’m very passionate about,” Stolik said. “I feel a sense of pride and a sense of connection with our forefathers in the land of Israel. These are stories that I learned in the Bible as student and then every so often, when something is actually found that corroborates a story and brings the story to life, it gives you a feeling of satisfaction.”

Stolik has received wide acclaim as a biblical archaeological scholar. In the presentation, he will share his extensive knowledge of Jewish history and Bible study as well as his passion for biblical archaeology. He has created a unique presentation that includes imagery, diagrams and videos that can benefit anyone, whether he or she has been to Israel before or has any background in history or archaeology.

“These are “hot button” issues facing Jews today and Israel in particular,” Stolik said. “Now, you can arm yourself with the facts on the ground — and underground.”

The cost is $20 with an early bird discount of $15 if you reserve by Aug. 6. To RSVP go to www.JewishNorthOrlando.com/Lecture or call 407-636-5994.


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