Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Letters To The Editor: Jew haters will not succeed

Dear Editor:

At last the Heritage had good news about Israel’s winnings at the Olympics and Cori Bush’s loss in her primary thanks to AIPAC.

The less cheerful news, admirably discussed by Jerome M. Marcus (Heritage Aug. 6, 2024), is the activity of the Reconstructive “Rabbinical College” trying to outdo the “Radical Liberal Rabbis” in appeasing the narrative of the “Islamic superiority” condemning the existence of the Jewish State of Israel.

In reviewing the current state of antisemitism, I considered the neo-Nazis consisting of well-funded flunkies, the organized black version prospering with protection money, and the Palestinian immigrants who despite suffering after military defeat by Israel entered Ivy League colleges in the U.S.A. and infiltrated academia with advanced degrees in antisemitism.

I love this country and most of its citizens, and I have faith that the American way will survive. Therefore, I believe that the professional Jew haters, who incidentally also hate the U.S.A. and the experiment in human freedom it represents, will not succeed in promoting their ill-conceived hate despite their well-financed army of college age “protestors.”

My major concern is with the so-called “Jewish” organizations who actively renounce Jewish history, the Torah, and the successful Jewish State built with Jewish sweat, blood, tears, and enormous creativity and endurance for which the appeasers gave nothing. Most of our fellow Americans respect the observance of the Jewish faith as we do with those who pray in other religions. All real religions promote peace that is not disturbed by inhumane savagery. The wars, including the present one that Israel fights were not initiated by the Jewish people. This war could have ended long ago if Hamas had surrendered. The remaining leader of that terrorist conglomerate was freed from imprisonment for murder in one of those earlier hostage exchanges. If Israel had timely received certain bombs, this savage would have been eliminated. Instead, he is resisting all the schemes suggested by other countries trying to end the fighting and loss of Palestinians lives.

Of course, I regret that innocent people, especially children, are hurt and killed in this war, but they live among people who use them as shields. Many danced in the streets when their leaders murdered 1200 Israelis in one day and dragged away hostages — while Israel continued to supply water and electricity. I pray for peace, but this savage attack must never happen again.

David G. Danziger

Lake Mary, Fla.


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