Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Withholding arms from present-day Maccabees

Dear Editor:

Thanks to Jeff Gaeser for publishing the Heritage since 1982 in a manner that was in the best tradition of news coverage in this free country. All the news of Jewish interest was reported without prejudice providing opposite views on the same subject on the same page.

I wish the enthusiastic new publishers success in their new ventures, building on what we have become accustomed to in looking forward to in weekly Jewish news.

I need to comment on one item in a recent issue of the Heritage which is of much concern at a time when we seem to be preoccupied with antisemitism from non-Jewish sources. The article (“Progressive Jewish groups back Senate resolutions against arms sales to Israel,” Dec. 6, 2024) reports that unenlightened so-called “progressive” Jewish organizations, well-financed by the likes of Soros, actively support the Senate resolution of Bernie Sanders (of Jewish birth) to withhold arm sales to the State of Israel. These same people previously convinced President Biden not to supply heavy bombs to Israel which, if supplied, might have ended the fighting in Gaza many months ago.

Israel’s army consists of regular and civilian soldiers too many of whom have have died in part because of their concern about injuring innocent people, especially children, used by the savages as human shields.

Sanders and his “progressive” supporters want to deprive the defenders of Israel of the means to win this terrible war against sworn terrorists and the people who danced in the streets of Gaza when they heard of the decapitation of Jewish babies in their mothers’ arms on Oct. 7, 2023.

We Jews in this blessed country are learning to cope with the Neo-Nazi antisemitism encouraged if not inflamed by “elite” academics.

The vast majority of our fellow Americans voted to make America great again, and that included at least 30 percent of our Jewish population. We have yet to deal with those of our tribe who appease the terrorists at the expense of Jewish courage.

Chanukah celebrates our heroes from another age, but the light of these candles must be forever renewed.

David G. Danziger

Lake Mary, Fla.


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