Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Special In Uniform finds a place in the IDF for special needs adults

Jewish National Fund's Women For Israel recently sponsored an event featuring a presentation about the "Special In Uniform" program on Feb. 6 at the Vue at Lake Lily in Maitland. 

Founded in 2014, Special In Uniform is an Israeli Defense Force program that incorporates young adults with special needs to work in the Israeli military.

In Israel, citizens are required to join the Israeli military. Similar to attending a university before starting adult life in other countries, serving in the military is a big part of starting Israeli adult life. Tiran Attia, executive director of Special In Uniform, had a vision that no one should be left behind.

"We are the only army in the world that enables those with special needs to participate," said Attia.

After 28 years of serving in the IDF, Attia, a lieutenant colonel in the IDF and also a lawyer, helped start the program.

"Our vision is to make sure these adults are incorporated into daily life," Attia said. "We believe everyone has a talent, we just have to find it."

Special In Uniform accepts all candidates whether they are in a wheelchair or suffer from disorders such as Autism.

Special In Uniform starts working with young adults at age 16 and finds out where each candidate can be useful in the military. Most departments have jobs that these soldiers can fulfill.  

"For us, it is very important they are integrated wherever they can be," Attia said. "Our goal is to make sure they can live and work independently in society."  That first step is to bring them into the military. 

According to the Jewish National Fund, an organization typically affiliated with planting trees and developing the land, Special In Uniform is an investment in people. They believe the benefits outweigh the financial cost. 

"We changed the way society looks at people with special needs," said Attia.  "We are changing the face of Israel."

So far, they've had 1,100 participants. These are participants that according to Attia, no one in the past would have given a chance. Now they can be productive soldiers in the military and productive civilians in Israeli society. 


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